Wood Landscape Construction
Lesson submitted by Carolyn Olson (Art teacher) of South Ridge School.
Scale and proportion are difficult to use correctly. Ojibwe visual artist George Morrison creates much of his work based on seasonal observations of Lake Superior as seen from Grand Portage using the proportion of one-quarter sky to three-quarter land or water. Students will work through the problem of taking natural materials - driftwood - and building a wood assemblage in the style of Morrison.
Students will:
- Create a landscape inspired by the work of George Morrison.
- Fit driftwood pieces together to fit in a 9" square box by half inch.
- Proportioned one-third sky, two-thirds land.
- Exhibit and critique work verbally and in writing.
Image retrieved from Minnesota Artists.
Materials Needed
Art Materials
- Hand saws
- Driftwood - various sizes
- Cardboard frames - 9" square with bottom x 1/2"
- Beeswax sheets
- Glue
Activity Process
Show images of George Morrison's driftwood landscapes.
Demonstrate use of tools safely when students resizing wood.
- Show video on George Morrison. Talk about the process of art making and everyday problem-solving. Discuss abstract art in modern world-universal language, including the one-third/two-third rule for landscapes. Have students write reflections after viewing video.
- Students gather and resize driftwood and begin building their landscape. Discuss options for securing landscape (have students problem-solve). Beeswax sheet underneath at start: Once the piece was completed, Morrison would take everything out - keeping it in place - glue the bottom of the frame and replace the pieces.
- Once landscape is complete have students reflect in their journal on the problem-solving and artistic process of building the landscape. Invite students to reflect on problem-solving tools. Exhibit landscapes.
Once landscapes are completed students will display them. Write a reflection on tools for problem-solving and coping with difficult situations.
- The student participated in gathering and resizing wood.
- The student completed their landscape using the one-third/two-third landscape rule.
- The student completed two reflections in their journal - one on the video and one on the art process of building the landscape.
- The student exhibited their landscape.
Vocabulary Words
- Mishiiwaatig (A dry tree, (stick of) dry wood)
- Mishiiwaatigowan (It is dry wood)
Securing the wood was not as important to me as the process of hunting for the right piece, resizing it if needed and building the piece. The wood is smooth and calming.