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Students will learn about beading by studying Ojibwe Cultures and seeing different examples of beaded objects done by artists in the community. They will look at the patterns and create their own patterns using a loom, guided by two beaders from our Ojibwe community.
The students were engaged when different examples of beadwork were shown. I asked them questions about the beadwork. We talked about the Ojibwe culture and about the art of beading. I started the project by having the students create their own pattern using grid paper and colored pencils.
An Ojibwe teaching artist from our community came in to show examples of her beadwork and to show the students how to begin and proceed through their individual projects. For each class period it was necessary to review how to end a string and start a new one.
After the project was complete, the students displayed their bracelets along with an artist statement about the influences of Ojibwe art and culture of their chosen bead design. Students also wrote about their experiences working with the guest artists and what they learned about art and culture from these contemporary beaders.
During the project, it is important to constantly walk around, help, and check for understanding. This project also fosters students working together to solve problems and overcome difficulties in small groups. Co-teaching with a beader was a great experience for us all!
I would have changed the size of the beading project to a more reasonable size for finishing in school. For example, not have as many rows and make it a certain length. I, personally, have learned a lot teaching this project. I thought I was prepared but I need to be more prepared for this project. I will try it again!!