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Lesson submitted by Darilynn Ronn (Art teacher) of Northeast Range School.
We will be making a Medicine Wheel. They will complete this project after an introduction/discussion about the four seasons (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer), and the four directions (North, South, East, West).
This lesson will be introduced as an extension to the morning routine during calendar time at the carpet area. As we are going through naming the months of the year we will add each season (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer). Ask the children to look outside and describe/discuss what they "see" (use their 5 senses) changing in nature. Show the students an example of an Ojibwe Medicine Wheel and how it depicts the four seasons (explain what each of the 4 different colored sections mean/represent). Teach the children the Ojibwe vocabulary. As an on-going extension, explain to the class that they will also be making their own poem book with a special art activity to show each of the four seasons and also add the Ojibwe words to it.
To help the students make their own Medicine Wheel correctly, each part will be demonstrated separately step by step. The supplies will also be given to them in the order as needed to help them be successful at completing this project.We also briefly talk about the multiple meanings that the medicine wheel represents; the various renderings out of materials, the places medicine wheels exist, and the many interpretations of the four quadrants (directions, seasons, medicinal herbs, colors of people, animals, precious metals, etc).
The other side of the plate can be done the same way or colored. Students can make a drawing of the animal that represents each of the 4 different colored sections (white/north-buffalo; red/east-eagle; yellow/south-mouse; black/west-bear).
Have the students display/show, share, and describe their created Medicine Wheel if they wish. Review the Ojibwe vocabulary throughout the year as each season changes. When we do the animal research reports in April/May, refer back to the animals that were represented for each section of the Medicine Wheel.
Students will be assessed informally through observation and on their participation during discussion times and the project activity.
See the Ojibwe color wheel lesson for additional medicine wheel resources and for ways to adapt to older students.